Stand Builder Eindhoven
Stand builder Eindhoven Cialona Expo
Stand builder Eindhoven Cialona Expo. We are a full service stand construction company from Helmond, near Eindhoven. For years we have been building the most striking exhibition stands for our customers at home and abroad. We specialize in unique exhibition experiences and stand construction.
We know better than anyone what is involved in participating in a trade fair and developing a suitable trade fair stand. We literally have all the necessary expertise in-house for this. Our experienced team is at home in the world of trade fairs and more importantly, the world of stand construction. We know how visitors move around an exhibition and what makes them decide to visit your exhibition stand. We ensure that you get the most out of your exhibition participation!
Full Service Stand Builder
We are a full service stand builder. This means that we take care of the stand construction project from start to finish. We excel in design, production, assembly and dismantling of your exhibition stand and do all this in-house with our own people. We do everything we can to unburden you.
Like no other, we know what an investment it can be to participate in a trade fair. This is the moment when you can be in live contact with your target group and that should not go unnoticed. We ensure that your target group will not pass by your exhibition stand, you will become the talk of the exhibition. A suitable but eye-catching exhibition stand that matches your organization, exhibition goals and target group.
Store and Reuse
We offer the possibility to store the stand in our warehouse, so that it can be (partially) reused at a later time.
We are a full-service organization and take care of the process from A to Z. We have all disciplines in-house and can therefore switch quickly.
Client Portal
You will have access to our Client Portal, where you can view the progress of the project 24/7, approve items and upload/download documents.
3D Design
After the briefing, we work out the project in a 3D design. This way it is clear at a glance what the stand will look like and whether adjustments are needed.
Dashboard Cialona Client Portal
You get your own online dashboard within our own Cialona Client Portal. Here you can view the progress of the stand construction project at all times. But you can also approve, save and download documents here. We strive for smooth and above all transparent cooperation, in which it is clear what you can expect from us and what we need from you.
Stand builder in Eindhoven and far beyond
Our collaboration can extend beyond Eindhoven. We are a stand builder that is active internationally. So if you have an exhibition in Amsterdam or Cologne one month, we can realize the stand for you in Las Vegas a little later. We follow your lead and ensure that the quality is the same time and time again.
Team Cialona Expo stands behind every stand we design and realize. After all, your stand is also our calling card at the fair. Have you already completed the exhibition planning for the coming period? We would like to meet you to discuss the details of the exhibition participations with you. Do you contact us?