The Ultimate Preparation for a Successful Trade Show Participation

The ultimate guide to successful trade show participation: 6 tips for the perfect preparation Looking for the right preparation for a successful trade show participation? Look no further! Because in this article, we share six indispensable tips for that perfect preparation. With these steps, you can ensure that you are well prepared and make a […]
Two-story booth

What is a two-story booth? A two-story booth, as the name suggests, is a stand with an additional floor. It is also known as a double-deck booth. It does not always have to be the case that the entire booth is provided with an extra floor, it can also be just a portion of the […]
Aluvision modular stand construction

In the past, most trade show booths consisted of wood, good for one-time use. At the end of the trade show, the entire booth was then discarded. Fortunately, this polluting cycle is no longer an issue for many organizations and more and more are opting for sustainable(er) trade show participation. Stand construction with modular components […]
Corner stand

What is a corner stand? A corner stand is an exhibition stand that is located on the corner of an aisle. This type of stands has two open sides and two closed sides. It is the perfect mix between an open look and the possibility to make images on the available walls stand out. […]
Newland at EuroCIS and LogiMAT 2022

Newland was present with their stands at no fewer than two trade fairs last week: the EuroCIS 2022 and the LogiMAT 2022.
Blueworld Seafood in Barcelona

Our team traveled to Barcelona to build the Blueworld Seafood exhibition stand for the Seafood Expo 2022.
25th edition of VSK 2022

Also this year during the 25th edition of VSK 2022 in Jaarbeurs Utrecht, we once again provided our customers with beautiful stands. View the exhibition stands of Econox, Euro Index and ISSO in our portfolio.