Organize a vaccination location in no time

Vaccinating society is getting closer and closer for everyone. So also setting up corona vaccination centers for vaccination against the virus.
Some target groups have already been vaccinated. The majority of the population will still have their turn for an injection, which will take place at an injection location. Such an injection site can be set up quickly and easily by us. In addition, if desired, we can help you think of a logical arrangement in order to meet the wishes and guidelines.

We work with Aluvision’s modular frame system. This allows us to realize every conceivable composition for a corona vaccination location.

☑️ Fast installation due to large stock
☑️ Based on rent
☑️ Large or small-scale setup
☑️ Modular layout
☑️ Walking routes and signing
☑️ Fully customizable

Want to know more? contact us, we will tell you more!